In 1914 (bear with me), soldiers on both sides of the First World War put down their guns in widespread unofficial cease-fires over Christmas. Some famously shared presents and played football on Christmas Eve.
Verdun is a first-person shooter set amid the trenches of World War I. Inspired by a real battle in France, the game offers historical accuracy in weapons, equipment, uniforms and locale — and a more authentic experience than many other FPS titles. Up to 64 players take part in combat together. And every Christmas, there’s a Christmas Truce, inspired by the real world events of 1914.
Over the festive period, a unique Christmas map is unlocked where instead of fighting, players can explore, throw snowballs, send virtual postcards to each other, and play football, among other activities.
“It’s actually quite well known compared to many parts of WW1, but to our knowledge no-one has ever made a game about it. We wanted to recreate it because of its historical significance, and because it would be a unique experience for players.”
In addition to offering the mode to players, the developers at M2H have worked with charities such as Trees for All and War Child to raise donations and garner additional press for the creative campaign. The War Child campaign attracted mainstream press attention from newspapers in the UK.

The Truce mode has been available every year since Verdun’s release in 2015, and continues to raise the profile of a fairly niche hardcore shooter. Seasonal events and holiday-inspired modes can delight players, and they can also prove to be good for raising awareness of your title. You just have to offer something a little bit different.